小林 稔 (コバヤシ ミノル)

Kobayashi Minoru






現在の所属組織 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 専任   琉球大学   教育学研究科   高度教職実践専攻   教授  

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  • 上越教育大学 -  教育学修士  教育学

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  • 2016年04月

      琉球大学 大学院教育学研究科 教授  

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 体育における学習意欲が「思考力・判断力」に及ぼす影響 : 沖縄県の中学生を対象とした調査から

    藤田 勉,嘉数 健悟,高倉 実,喜屋武 亨

    高度教職実践専攻(教職大学院)紀要 No.1 (2017/3) ( 琉球大学大学院教育学研究科 )  1   17 - 23   2017年05月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要)


    The thinking and decision making abilities evaluation toolkit can be applied on exercise activities of physical education (PE) of different outlooks. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the influence of thinking and decision making abilities on motivation in PE class and its antecedent of behavior change. The study also aimed to provide physical activity guidance for adolescents. The survey was conducted in May 2015 among 1,144 students (561 boys and 583 girls) enrolled in public junior high schools in Okinawa, Japan. The questionnaire included thinking and decision making abilities in PE class and “Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test”(AMPET).However, the pass analysis was performed in 842 students (401 boys and 441 girls) with no missing values. The significant positive effects the plotted pass outcomes included “learning strategy” against information gathering (β =.32); mutual learning (β=.45); problem-solving (β=.40); exercise observation and analysis (β=.48); and foundation of learning establish (β=.36), and “overcome obstacles” against problem solving(β=.21); and exercise observation and analysis (β=.24).Overall, to foster thinking and decision making abilities, having only high competence is not sufficient, but well-balanced general motivation is also necessary (管理者追加)リポジトリ登録情報を移行しました。確認のうえ、加除修正をしてください。

  • ロシア連邦サハリン州ユジノサハリンスク市の小学校

    立石 庸一,副島 健作

    No.81 (2012/6) ( 琉球大学教育学部 )  ( 81 ) 257 - 268   2012年12月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要)


    Primary Schools in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation were observed as a part of studies on development of an Educational Leadership Model by the Implementation on Practice Schools carried out by the University of the Ryukyus. The current conditions of the primary schools and the educational administration in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and the evaluation systems and the training systems for teachers of the primary schools in Russian Federation were examined. (管理者追加)リポジトリ登録情報を移行しました。確認のうえ、加除修正をしてください。

  • Seasonal changes in physical activity levels in female university students in Okinawa, Japan

    Tsujimoto Shiori,Ueji Masaru,Takakura Minoru,

    No.76 (2010/2) ( 琉球大学教育学部 )  ( 76 ) 229 - 239   2010年04月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要)


    The purpose of this study was to investigate regional differences in seasonal changes in physical activity levels among female university students in Japan's Okinawa and Ibaraki Prefectures. Participants were 58 female university students in Okinawa and Ibaraki Prefectures. The physical activity levels (total energy expenditure and durations of activities at different intensity levels) were measured using a uniaxial accelerometer on seven consecutive days including a weekend in both summer and winter seasons. Climatic conditions during the survey periods were also recorded. To evaluate seasonal changes in the physical activity levels, repeated measures ANOVA were performed using season (summer or winter) and region (Okinawa or Ibaragi) as independent variables and the physical activity levels as dependent variables. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated the main of season and region and interaction between them on the total energy expenditure. The total energy expenditure decreased from summer to winter in Okinawa but increased over the same period in Ibaragi. The total energy expenditure in winter was significantly lower in Okinawa than in Ibaragi. As for the duration of light activities, season showed a main effect, and interaction between region and season was observed. The duration of light activities was shorter in winter than in summer in Okinawa. Regarding vigorous activities, a main effect was noted in region, and the duration of vigorous activities was shorter in Okinawa than in Ibaragi. In conclusion, seasonal changes in the physical activity levels differed between female university students in Okinawa and Ibaragi, and the weather, i.e., rain, is considered to have affected the physical activity levels. (管理者追加)リポジトリ登録情報を移行しました。確認のうえ、加除修正をしてください。

  • 幼児のライフスタイルが運動能力に及ぼす影響

    小橋川 久光,大城 浩二

    No.10 (2003/3) ( 琉球大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター )  ( 10 ) 25 - 32   2008年04月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要)


    According to a study conducted by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology on the motor ability of school-age children, motor ability declined among all age groups when compared to past research. It is important, however, to consider the current situation not only among school-age children, but in early childhood as well as a way of understanding the connection between lifestyle and motor ability. This study tested the motor ability of 5 and 6-year old kindergarten students (181 boys, 164 girls), as well as conducted a survey among guardians and teachers regarding the children's lifestyle. The results of a one-way ANOVA analysis of the survey of guardians which treated motor ability as a dependent variable suggested a meaningful association among a portion of the male sample, but no correlation among the female sample and as a whole did not conclusively indicate lifestyle's influence on motor ability. However, the survey of teachers regarding children's lifestyle did reveal significant inter-group differences, especially among boys, and indicated a connection between lifestyle and motor ability. This suggests the need for further research on the lifestyle of pre-school age children as a part of current efforts to formulate government policy for the improvement of motor ability among elementary and middle school students. (管理者追加)リポジトリ登録情報を移行しました。確認のうえ、加除修正をしてください。

  • 児童期における運動意欲及び運動能力の実態に関する比較研究 -東京23区内O小学校における1990年と2000年のデータから-

    小橋川 久光,宮城 政也,栗原 知子,横山 善実

    No.9 (2002/3) ( 琉球大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター )  ( 9 ) 13 - 21   2008年04月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要)


    体力・運動能力に関しては,毎年,文部科学省が調査を行っており,その結果は総じて年々低下 していると言える。これまで,体力・運動能力が低下している原因を究明する研究は,環境を含む 生活スタイルに着目したのものがほとんどであり,運動意欲に視点をあてた研究は皆無に等しかっ た。本研究では児童期を対象とする標準化された運動意欲テストを用い,児童期における1990年と 2000年の運動意欲に関する実態を比較検討した。結果は運動能力の変容と同様の傾向で,ほとんど の下位尺度で低下していると判断され,今後の研究のための基礎的なデータが得られた。 (管理者追加)リポジトリ登録情報を移行しました。確認のうえ、加除修正をしてください。

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