Title |
Associate Professor |
Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi) |
70724722 |
Kase Yasuko
Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display 】
Duty University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Global and Regional Studies international language culture program Associate Professor
Concurrently University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Community Engagement and Development Associate Professor
Concurrently University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Law and Letters, Department of Languages and Cultures, Associate Professor
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Health/Medical Humanities
Trauma Studies
Asian American Literature
Disability Studies
Published Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Over the Father's Corpse: A Subversive Daughter's Mimicry in Jessica Hagedorn's _Dream Jungle_
Yasuko Kase
Women Writing Trauma in Literature ( Cambridge Scholars Publishing ) 2022.10 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Yasuko Kase
The Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies vol. 7, no.1. (Spring 2018) ( University of Nebraska Press ) 2020.01 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
The Other of Western Modernity: Diaspora, Trauma, and the Impossible Autobiography in Monique Truong’s _The Book of Salt_
Yasukko Kase
_The Politics of Traumatic Literature_ edited by Önder Çakırtaş, Antolin C. Trinidad and Şahin Kızıltaş ( Cambridge Scholars Publishing ) 2018 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (other science council materials etc.)
Diasporic War Memroy in Juliet S. Kono's _Anshū: Dark Sorrow_
Yasuko Kase
The Japanese Journal of American Studies 27 235 - 255 2016 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Ethics of Remembering: Reading Hawai'i's Asian American Literary Texts on World War II in Japan
Yasuko Kase
Asian American Literature Association Journal 20 29 - 36 2014
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Other Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Teaching Diversity in Okinawa
Yasuko Kase
欧米文化論集 ( 62 ) 2018.03
Review of Juliana Chang’s _Inhuman Citizenship: Traumatic Enjoyment and Asian American Literature_
Yasuko Kase
Asian American Literature Association Journal 19 87 - 91 2013
Orientalism and Folklore
Yasuko Kase
Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife ( ABC-CLIO ) 73 - 74 2010 [Refereed]
Mother-Daughter Narratives in Asian American Literature
Yasuko Kase
Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife ( ABC-CLIO ) 71 - 72 2010 [Refereed]
Orientalism and Asian America
Yasuko Kase
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature ( Greenwood Press ) 794 - 798 2009 [Refereed]
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Politics of Disaster Medicine: James N. Yamazaki’s _Children of the Atomic Bomb_
Yasuko Kase
Modern Language Assocation Annual Convention 2023.01 - 2023.01
“Apocalypse Now” Again?: Reading Ling Ma’s Severance in the “Post”-Pandemic Era
Yasuko Kase
Modern Language Association Annual Convention 2025.01 - 2025.01
Beyond Medicalization: Indigenous Healing and Modern Military Medicine in Dacy Tamayose's _Odori_
Yasuko Kase
Modern Language Association Annual Convention (Philadelphia) 2024.01 - 2024.01
Ethics of Remembering: Memory Reconsolidation and Trauma
Yasuko Kase
Modern Language Association Annual Convention (ZOOM) 2022.01 - 2022.01
"Life Writing for Anti-Aging? Bioimperialism and Anti-Aging in _The People in the Trees_
Yasuko Kase
Modern Language Association Annual Convention (Zoom) 2021.01 - 2021.01
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project Year: 2023.04 - 2027.03
Direct: 3,500,000 (YEN) Overheads: 1,050,000 (YEN) Total: 4,550,000 (YEN)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project Year: 2019.04 - 2022.03
Direct: 3,400,000 (YEN) Overheads: 1,020,000 (YEN) Total: 4,420,000 (YEN)