屋我 実 (ヤガ ミノル)

Yaga Minoru





〒903-0213 沖縄県中頭郡西原町千原1番地







現在の所属組織 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 併任   琉球大学   理工学研究科   教授  

留学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1994年04月

    Califronia Institute of Technology  

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 九州大学 -  工学博士  ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 流体工学

職歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1989年04月

      琉球大学 工学部 教授  

研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 高速空気力学,伝熱工学,数値流体力学(CFD),衝撃波工学

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 流体工学

主たる研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • クラスタービーム銃の開発

  • 遷音速ディフューザを用いた騒音低減に関する研究

  • 高速衝突噴流に関する研究

  • 超音速混合促進に関する研究

  • 高性能水中ウォータージェットノズルの開発

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Extraction of Pressure Wave from Transonic Diffuser by Applying Ceramic Actuator at Throat

    Minoru Yaga, Hayato Goya, Wang Yihe, Heuy Dong Kim

    15th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics on Internal Flows     1 - 8   2023年10月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

  • Pressure Variation behind Interaction between Droplet and Unsteady Compressible Flow

    Takahito Kamoshida, Minoru Yaga, Tasuku Azama, Junya Tomita, Masaaki Ishikawa

    The 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves   34   2023年07月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)


    Liquid atomization is the process of reducing the particle size and increasing the number of particles by reducing the liquid mass into a group of microparticles. The process of droplet collapse has been studied in detail by high-speed photography and simulations that take surface tension into account, including changes in shape. In this study, we attempted to clarify the unsteady pressure change in the interference between a droplet and a high-speed fluid by studying the pressure change downstream of the droplet and to construct quantitative data for comparison with calculation results. By using a straight small-volume shock tube, the pressure fluctuation was observed in synchronization with a high-speed camera image taken by an interfering droplet with a high-speed flow that occurs in a very short period of time. The results showed that the droplet was hardly affected by the shock wave but was affected by the high-speed jet following the shock wave. The larger the pressure ratio, the larger the difference in the pressure peak values with and without droplet, and the longer the time interval between the shock wave and the high-velocity jet. These quantitative results indicate that atomization of droplet in unsteady flow fields involves a drop in downstream pressure that cannot be obtained only by image processing of droplet shape change.

  • Significant removal of bacterial biofilm induced by multiple-Short ranges of electric interventions

    Hiroyuki Taira, Minoru Yaga, Satoshi Nakasone, Kotaro Nishida, Tetsu Yamashiro

    Journal of Orthopaedic Science ( Elsevier )  29 ( 1 ) 341 - 348   2023年02月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    Biofilm-related infections are serious problems in the Orthopedics field, and Staphylococcus aureus are the most popular causative agents of bacterial infections associated with arthroplasty. Several studies demonstrated a synergistic effect of the electric intervention (EI) and the antibiotic administration in killing bacteria in biofilm; however, a constant, long-time EI was needed. In the present study, the effective removal of biofilm formed with S. aureus on a titanium ring by multiple times of one minute-EI was observed and described.

  • Mixing of laser‑induced plumes colliding in a background gas

    Keita Katayama, Toshiki Kinoshita, Ren Okada, Hiroshi Fukuoka, Takehito Yoshida, Minoru Yaga, Tamao Aoki‑Matsumoto, Ikurou Umezu

    Applied Physics A , Material Science & Processing ( Springer )  128 ( 1007 ) 1 - 10   2022年10月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    We collided silicon and germanium laser-induced plumes in helium background gas to clarify the behavior of the plumes after the collision. The expansion of the silicon and germanium species in the mixed plume after the collision was observed separately by spectroscopic measurements and the degree of mixing was evaluated by the experimental results. When the pressure of the background gas was 2000 Pa, the plumes moved backward after the collision with the counter-propagating shock wave, and no mixing of the plumes was observed. The efect of the counter-propagating shock wave was discussed by comparing with the results of numerical calculations based on the compressible Euler equations. At 300 Pa, the plumes concentrated at about 1 mm around the central region just after the collision and almost 100% mixing occurred in this region. The concentration and mixing of the plumes in the central region is a key to forming well-mixed plume. Stagnation and partial mixing of the plumes were observed at intermediate pressures. By decreasing the background helium gas pressure from 2000 to 300 Pa, the degree of mixing increased from 0 to about 100%. The results are compared with those in argon background gas to discuss efects of mean free path. The efects of counter-propagating shock wave, mean free path and the onset time of the collision on the backward movement and mixing of the plumes are discussed

  • Effect of Coaxial Air Stream on High-Pressure Submerged Water Jet

    M. Yaga, T. Wakuta, R.V. Reji , H.D. Kim (担当範囲: 研究統括,論文執筆)

    Recent Researc on Thermal and Fluid Science ( Springer )    2020年 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)


    The effect of coaxial air stream on a high-pressure water jet is studies by measuring the stagnation pressure on the impinging target and by the optical observations of the water jets. The water jet is pressurized at 12.7MPa and discharged into atmosphere and still water, which correspond to non-submerged and submerged water jets. The coaxial air is also pressurized at various pressure po/pb = 1.0 to 3.0, where po and pb are the stagnation air pressure and the atmospheric pressure. And the distance between the water jet nozzle and the normal target plate L divided by the nozzle diameter D is changed from 1.0 to 15. As a result, according to the optical observation for non-submerged case, the spreading angle of the non-submerged water jet is found to be the minimum angle in case of the coaxial air jet pressure ratio of 1.4. The recovery factor decreases both for the case of non-submerged and submerged one decrease as L/D increases. However, the recovery factor in case of submerged water jet is greatly increased by the coaxial air flow by 70% of that for no air stream.. Comparison of the recovery factors between the case of submerged and non-submerged conditions reveals that the coaxial air stream seems to achieve the atmospheric environment for the submerged water jet, even in the submerged conditions.

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MISC(その他業績・査読無し論文等) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 高速流れとFPGAによる騒音低減のための装置開発


    クリーンテクノロジー ( 日本工業出版 )    2020年07月


  • Advanced Engine Flows and Combustion

    Peng Z.

    Journal of Combustion ( Journal of Combustion )  2017   2017年


    DOI Open Access

研究発表等の成果普及活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Study of Unsteady Supersonic Jet using Shock Tube with Small High-Pressure Chamber with Elliptical Cell

    M. Sakamoto, M. Matsui, H. Fukuoka, M. Yaga and T. Takiya

    Proc. Of International Symposium on Explosion Shock wave and High-energy reaction Phenomena  2013年03月  -  2013年03月   

  • 石川正明、多孔キャビティを有する超音速流れ場における非定常流れに関する研究

    國吉直, 屋我実, 照屋功, 石川正明

    平成24年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演会  2013年03月  -  2013年03月   

  • Experimental Study of Interaction between Supersonic Duct Flow and Jets and Rods surrounded by the Porous Cavity

    Nao Kuniyoshi, Minoru Yaga, Isao Teruya, Masaaki Ishikawa

    5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering  2012年12月  -  2012年12月   

  • Study on Underexpanded Impinging Jet issued from Rectangular Nozzle

    Ruhul Azam, Hiroaki Ozono, Minoru Yaga, Isao Teruya and Masaaki Ishikawa

    5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering  2012年12月  -  2012年12月   

  • Effect of Water Droplets on Underexpanded Impinging Jets

    Hiroaki Ozono, Iihoshi Takahiro1, Minoru Yaga, Isao Teruya and Masaaki Ishikawa

    4th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science  2012年10月  -  2012年10月   

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特許等知的財産 【 表示 / 非表示

  • エアベアリングの制御機構

    特願 特願2021-148045  (2021年09月10日)

    特開 特願2021-148045  (2022年03月10日)


  • ディフューザ内気体振動制御装置およびそれを用いた振動制御方法

    特願 特開2009-092003  (2007年10月10日)

    特開 特開2009-092003  (2009年04月30日)


  • スクラムジェットエンジン用燃料混合促進方法並びに装置

    特願    (2000年08月11日)

    特開 P2002-54504A  (2002年02月20日)


論文査読・海外派遣等、研究諸活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Supersonic Flow over a Cylindrical Protrusion with Vortex Generator





学術関係受賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本機械学会関西支部技術賞・受賞

    2008年   日本機械学会  

    受賞者: その他の受賞者

科研費獲得情報 【 表示 / 非表示

その他研究費獲得情報 【 表示 / 非表示

  • スロートに設置したピエゾ素子による高速流動の騒音低減

    研究費種類: 公的研究費(省庁・独法・大学等)  参画方法: その他

    研究種別: その他  事業名: -

    研究期間: 2008年  -  2009年03月 

    代表者: 屋我実  資金配分機関: -

    金額合計: 2,000,000(円)

共同研究実施実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ガイド用超音速噴流を用いた高速度・高指向性Water Jetノズルの開発

    研究期間: 2015年04月  -  2016年03月 

    代表者: 屋我実  資金配分機関: 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 イノベーション拠点推進部 地域イノベーショングループ

    直接経費: 1,000,000(円)  間接経費: 300,000(円)  金額合計: 1,300,000(円)



研究シーズ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 高速流れ、衝撃波、伝熱工学、CFD
