東矢 光代 (トウヤ ミツヨ)

Toya Mitsuyo







現在の所属組織 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 専任   琉球大学   国際地域創造学部   国際言語文化プログラム   教授  

  • 併任   琉球大学   地域共創研究科   言語表象プログラム   教授  

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本大学 -  博士(総合社会文化)  外国語教育

  • University of Hawaii at Manoa -  Master of Arts  English as a Second Language

職歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1996年10月

      琉球大学 教養部 専任講師  

  • 1997年04月

      琉球大学 法文学部 国際言語文化学科 専任講師  

  • 2003年02月

      琉球大学 法文学部 国際言語文化学科 助教授  

  • 2008年04月

      琉球大学 法文学部 国際言語文化学科 准教授  

  • 2013年10月

      琉球大学 法文学部 国際言語文化学科 教授  

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研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 英語教育

  • 応用言語学

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 人文・社会 / 外国語教育

主たる研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 語彙の習得に着目したリスニングプログラムの開発

  • 英語による授業と教師教育

  • 学習者と学習環境に応じた教授法実践と効果検証

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 優秀な定年退職教員の経験分析に見る中学校英語科での英語による授業への道のり

    東矢 光代

    言語文化研究紀要   32   39 - 60   2024年10月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    The newly issued and implemented course of study by the Japanese Ministry of Sports, Education, Science and Technology reinforces the use of English in English classrooms at the junior high and high school levels. However, teachers are reluctant to use English in their classes all the time, particularly in senior high schools. This study investigates veteran teachers' trajectory toward teaching English in English using the trajectory equifinality approach. The participant was in his sixties and retired from public school teaching with the distinguished achievement of being a leader among the junior high school English teachers in Okinawa. The online interview, which lasted for over 100 minutes revealed that his university teacher training was minimal because it was common for English-majoring students to learn literature and linguistics back then. However, his trajectory showed that he constantly upgraded his knowledge and skills in teaching English during his career, particularly by associating with native English-speaking teachers. Furthermore, the participant also took advantage of music as he played a guitar and sang an English song in class. His remarkable practice sheds light on how teachers, even in the considerably older generations, could transform themselves into professional, effective teachers.

  • 日本人非ネイティブ夫婦による児童期初期バイリンガル児の母語の保持・伸長の観点から見た読解力に関する縦断的研究 -ある日英バイリンガル女児の就学時6歳から7歳間のCALP伸長を目指した音読の効果-

    波平 貢司, 比嘉 俊, 東矢 光代, 下地 敏洋

    琉球大学教育学部紀要   ( 105 ) 175 - 189   2024年08月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    Background and Objectives: This article reports a method and the effectiveness of early childhood bilingual education in Japan implemented by a Japanese couple and presents oral reading as a method for developing CALP in proficiency of L1 (Japanese) and L2 (English). While summarizing the development of the target child's English proficiency, we examine the effects of reading aloud, especially in the retention of the mother tongue and the development of CALP. Research Design and Methods: A daughter raised by a Japanese couple in a Japanese context with the father speaking English to her was examined based on the development in reading comprehension. The daughter reads aloud a Japanese and English passage every day; furthermore, the topics of the reading materials were not only stories, but also expository texts that required more cognitive thinking. Japanese oral reading was implemented with the mother and English with the father, applying the “one person; one language" principle. Additional analyses involved the comparison of reading comprehension tests between the target child and another child of the same age who goes to a local Japanese school. Results:( 1)Even in an environment where English(L2) is the dominant language at school and students learn academic subjects in English, except for Japanese class, the development of CALP in Japanese (L1) was confirmed in the first grade of elementary school through daily five-minute oral reading activities, and reading comprehension proficiency in the target child reached the same level of ability compared to the native Japanese child attending a public school in Japan. However, simply reading aloud is not sufficient; it is effective for parents to intervene by confirming the content of the text and asking questions that serve as confirmation of the target language during oral reading. (2)Even for Japanese couples, if they interact with their children with the “one person; one language" principle and implement daily five-minute oral reading activities in English, that will promote the development of CALP in English and its interrelationship in both Japanese(L1) and English(L2) languages, leading to their development to a higher level. Discussion and Implications: The reading ability of the target child is still developing, so further research is needed to determine the effects of reading aloud at the early elementary school stage and how parents should intervene with their children during the oral reading activity.

  • 「英語の授業を英語で教える」に至る経験の影響を考える -複線径路等至性アプローチによる分析-

    東矢 光代

    言語学習と教育言語学:2023 年度版 ( 早稲田大学情報教育研究所 )    31 - 41   2024年03月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    学習指導要領では、2008 年度の高等学校に続き、2020 年度施行の中学校においても、英語科の授業は基本的に英語で行うべきであることが示されている。外国語の習得においては、目標言語に触れる機会・時間を確保することが重要であり、「英語を英語で教える(Teaching English in English, TEE)」という方針は理にかなっている。しかし、文部科学省による英語教育実施状況調査(令和 4 年度)によると、英語担当教師の英語使用状況は、発話の半分以上を英語で行っているのは中学校で 74.4%、高等学校で 46.1%である。本稿では、英語教師が TEE に至る道筋を、インタビューを基に明らかにするプロジェクトの一部として、現職高校英語教師 K の TEE への道のりを複線径路等至性モデリング(TEM)で分析した結果を紹介し、特に教職課程で有効な英語科教育科目の内容と役割について考察する。

  • 日本における帰国子女等英語力上位層の英語力伸長を目指した質的研究―CALPを基盤とした読解力育成を目指した要約活動及び要約に基づいたポストリーディングディスカッションの効果検証―

    波平 貢司,下地 敏洋,東矢 光代

    琉球大学教育学部紀要 ( 琉球大学教育学部 )  ( 104 ) 99 - 110   2024年03月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要)


    Background and Objectives: This research examined the effectiveness of reading instruction aimed at further improving the English reading proficiency of returnee students and other advanced English learners in Japan. Specifically, we conducted summary writing lessons and post-reading discussions in English to verify the extent to which CALP, or cognitive academic learning proficiency, is enhanced, and explored ways to improve their English reading proficiency. Research Design and Methods: The target students are Student A, B, and C, who are the first-year students at a prefectural high school in Okinawa. Student A’s father is American and her mother is Japanese, and A speaks English with her father and Japanese with her mother. A has been receiving education in Japan. Student B, who has a single parent and speaks with her mother in Japanese, attended an elementary school in America from the first to sixth grades in her childhood, and has been attending a Japanese school since junior high school. Student C’s parents are Filipinos, and he attended an elementary school in the Philippines, where all classes were taught in English. His home language is Tagalog, and he has been attending a Japanese school since junior high school. During the intervention, the students worked on reading comprehension, wrote up an English summary of the reading, and received fifty-minute tutoring per week from an ALT, during which they had a discussion about the reading assignment with the ALT. All discussions were conducted in English, and the contents of the discussions were to question the learners’ thinking based on the summary they wrote while checking academic vocabulary and expressions. We chose the academic texts that deal with social science and other science-related contents to enhance their CALP. Results: (1) The effectiveness of CALP-based summarization activities and post-reading discussions aimed at developing the English reading proficiency of returnees and other advanced students was mostly confirmed. This instructional method was found to be effective in teaching reading comprehension to returnees and other advanced English learners. This result also suggests that even among returnees, there are differences in understanding in academic English reading comprehension depending on whether or not they were taught to read and write in English during their elementary school years. (2) Through CALP-based summarization activities and post-reading discussions, the psychological filter against reading academic English texts in science-related contents was reduced and the cognitive mental load was resolved, which suggests the improvement of CALP in their English. Discussion and Implications: Further data should be collected in order to enhance the qualitative and quantitative research on the effectiveness of CALP-based summarization activities and post-reading discussions for fostering reading comprehension among students with a similar background.

  • 日本人非ネイティブ夫婦による 就学前児のバイリンガル的言語発達におけるダイアリースタディ(2) -ある日本人女児の4歳8ヵ月~6歳間のバイリンガル的言語習得における縦断的研究-

    波平 貢司,東矢 光代,下地 敏洋

    高度教職実践専攻(教職大学院)紀要   ( 8 ) 41 - 56   2024年03月

    掲載種別: 研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要)


    Background and Objectives: This article reports a method and the effectiveness of early childhood bilingual education in Japan implemented by a Japanese couple. In order to clarify the process of language acquisition of the target child, characteristics of her language development were analyzed in comparison with that of bilingual children in the literature. Research Design and Methods: A daughter raised by a Japanese couple in a Japanese context with the father speaking English to her was examined based on the records and observation by the father with an intention to determine the process of bilingual language acquisition (i.e., Japanese and English) in her early childhood. This practice was based on the “one parent; one language” principle in bilingual education. Additional analyses involved the comparison between the target child and another child of the same age raised by a couple with one native English speaker and one native Japanese speaker as well as another child raised by a Japanese couple whose English proficiency was at the beginning level. Results: (1) Even for the Japanese couple, with the “one parent; one language” principle, the target child’s language acquisition process showed nearly the same development compared to Japanese-English bilingual children in the literature.(2) The level of English attained by the target child was almost equivalent to that of the Japanese- English bilingual child raised by a couple with one native English speaker and one native Japanese speaker, with the level of Japanese equivalent to a Japanese native speaker of her age. Particularly for reading comprehension, reaching a high level of reading does not happen just because parents are native speakers of English / Japanese, but it depends greatly on their teaching methods and how they relate to their children when reading books to them. Parents should become facilitators and give children scaffolding for them to become autonomous readers. Discussion and Implications: Bilingual language development and proficiency in preschool children are expected to vary among individuals, so further research is needed to completely assure the early childhood bilingual language development of Japanese children.

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  • 動機づけ理論に基づく英語での授業実現のためのICT教員研修モデル構築と最適化


    課題番号: 21K00652

    研究期間: 2021年04月  -  2025年03月 

    代表者: 東矢光代  研究分担者: 大城 賢

    直接経費: 3,100,000(円)  間接経費: 930,000(円)  金額合計: 4,030,000(円)

  • 複線径路等至性アプローチによる英語での授業へのプロセス探求:小中高比較と理論化


    課題番号: 18K00744

    研究期間: 2018年04月  -  継続中 

    代表者: 東矢光代  研究分担者: 大城 賢

  • 英語リスニングが苦手な学習者への高周波音域弁別訓練:行動分析学的検証と教授法構築


    課題番号: 23520752

    研究期間: 2011年04月  -  2016年03月 

    代表者: 東矢 光代  研究分担者: 眞邉 一近 日本大学, 大学院総合社会情報研究科, 教授 (80209676) 石津 希代子 聖隷クリストファー大学, リハビリテーション学部, 准教授 (10446180)

    直接経費: 3,900,000(円)  間接経費: 1,170,000(円)  金額合計: 5,070,000(円)

  • 英語リスニングでの閾値仮説とボトムアップ処理:高周波音域弁別と子音聞き取り能力


    課題番号: 20520506

    研究期間: 2008年  -  2010年 

    代表者: 東矢 光代 

    直接経費: 1,800,000(円)  間接経費: 540,000(円)  金額合計: 2,340,000(円)

  • 多様な学習者のための実践的英語リスニング訓練法の行動分析学的研究


    課題番号: 18520440

    研究期間: 2006年  -  2007年 

    代表者: 東矢 光代 

    直接経費: 1,900,000(円)  金額合計: 1,900,000(円)

SDGs 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 英語教師教育、学習者の特質に応じた言語習得・外国語学習、動機づけ

学外の社会活動(高大・地域連携等) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 高円宮杯英語弁論大会(スピーチコンテスト)那覇地区審査員

    那覇地区英語教育研究会  高円宮杯英語弁論大会(スピーチコンテスト)那覇地区 




  • 令和5年度英語小中高大連携研修会




    2023年7月27日 オンラインにて研修会内容打ち合わせ 同10月12日 沖縄工業高校の英語研究授業参観、授業研究(指導助言)及び録画 同12月 研究授業ダイジェストと授業研究の動画を研修用として配信(沖縄県内小中高英語教員対象) 2024年度 研修内容打ち合わせ 英語科授業参観、授業研究(指導助言)及び録画 研修用動画として県内英語教員に配信(教育委員会)

  • 英語指導員対象の研修講話「学習指導要領に基づいた効果的なチームティーチング」

    那覇市教育委員会学校教育課  令和5年度 英語指導員辞令交付式及び 第1回グループミーティング 



    令和5年度 英語指導員辞令交付式及び 第1回グループミーティングにおいて、「学習指導要領に基づいた効果的なチームティーチング」のテーマで、英語指導員対象の研修講話を行った。2023年4月11日小学校(AET 14名、JTE 14名)、同4月12日中学校(AET10名)

  • 三省堂英語教科書(小・中)編集協力委員



