Title |
Professor |
Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi) |
90284942 |
MIYAUCHI Hisamitsu
Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display 】
Concurrently University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Comparative Culture and Area Studies Professor
Concurrently University of the Ryukyus Organization for Research Promotion
Concurrently University of the Ryukyus Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability: RIIS
Duty University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Global and Regional Studies community culture and science program Professor
Concurrently University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Community Engagement and Development Culture and Environment Professor
Academic degree 【 display / non-display 】
Hiroshima University - Docter(literature)
Hiroshima University - Master
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
- , University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Law and Letters, Department of Human Sciences, Geography and Anthropology, Professor
University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Law and Letters, Department of Human Sciences, Geography and Anthropology, Professor
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Humanities & Social Sciences / Human geography
Humanities & Social Sciences / Human geography
Research Theme 【 display / non-display 】
migration studies
island studies
Published Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Formation and development of an okinawan global network using an Island hub
Miyauchi H.
Self-Determinable Development of Small Islands ( Self-Determinable Development of Small Islands ) 33 - 54 2016.01
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
Access this article
A Review of Island Studies within Japan's Geographical Research
Geographical Review of Japan Series B ( The Association of Japanese Geographers ) 86 ( 1 ) 100 - 110 2013.07 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
A Study on Ecotourism in Okinawa Prefecture
その他の掲載誌 ( その他の出版社 ) 1900
Type of publication: Research paper (other science council materials etc.)
An Analysis of Characteristics of Newcomers from Other Prefectures in Zamami Village,Okinawa Prefecture
その他の掲載誌 ( その他の出版社 ) 1900
Type of publication: Research paper (other science council materials etc.)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Insularity and geographic diversity of the peripheral Japanese Islands
平岡 昭利 , 須山 聡 , 宮内 久光, Sukeshige Takehisa ( Part: Single Author )
Springer 2022
Insularity and geographic diversity of the peripheral Japanese Islands
平岡 昭利 , 須山 聡 , 宮内 久光, Sukeshige Takehisa ( Part: Single Author )
Springer 2022
Self-determinable Development of Small Islands
Masahide Ishihara,Eiichi Hoshino, Yoko Fujita ( Part: Editing and Writing , Formation and Development of an Okinawan Global Network Using an Island Hub )
Springer 2016.08
Other Papers 【 display / non-display 】
The Role of the Bridge Connecting the Islands of Hamahiga and Okinawa- Dynamics of Populations and Changes in Residents -
An Analysis of Characteristics of Newcomers from Other Prefectures in Zamami Village,Okinawa Prefecture
Accessibility from the Remote Islands of Okinawa Prefecture to Central City
A Study on Ecotourism in Okinawa Prefecture
A Study of the Number of Hours that Residents of Remote Islands Can Stay in the Nearby Major City
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Project Year: 2018.04 - 2022.03
Direct: 2,300,000 (YEN) Overheads: 690,000 (YEN) Total: 2,990,000 (YEN)