安田 啓太 (ヤスダ ケイタ)

Yasuda Keita









〒903-0213 沖縄県中頭郡西原町字千原1番地







現在の所属組織 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 専任   琉球大学   工学部   工学科エネルギー環境工学コース   准教授  

  • 講義担当   琉球大学   理工学研究科   熱流体工学プログラム   准教授  

  • 講義担当   琉球大学   理工学研究科   生産エネルギー工学専攻   准教授  

出身大学 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2003年04月

    慶應義塾大学   理工学部   機械工学科   卒業

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2007年04月

    慶應義塾大学  理工学研究科  開放環境科学専攻  修士課程  修了

  • 2009年04月

    慶應義塾大学  理工学研究科  開放環境科学専攻  博士課程  修了

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 慶應義塾大学 -  博士(工学)  熱工学

職歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2009年04月


  • 2010年04月

      日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2)  

  • 2010年05月


  • 2015年04月

      琉球大学 工学部 機械システム工学科 助教  

  • 2017年04月

      琉球大学 工学部 工学科 エネルギー環境工学コース 助教  

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所属学会・委員会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2021年09月

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会

  • 2024年10月

    公益社団法人 日本伝熱学会

研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • クラスレートハイドレートの物理化学とエンジニアリング

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 熱工学

学位論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 氷点下温度域におけるクラスレートハイドレートの相平衡条件と結晶構造


論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Eutectic conditions of carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate and sodium Chloride: Implications for zero liquid discharge seawater desalination

    Akari Gibo, Seiya Nakao, Ryo Ohmura, Keita Yasuda

    Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ( Elsevier )  Available online 22 December 2024   2024年12月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    The eutectic temperature, pressure, and concentration conditions of carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate and sodium chloride dihydrate were measured to advance clathrate hydrate-based seawater desalination and salt production technology that enables seawater desalination through zero liquid discharge. The measured eutectic conditions were within the temperature range of 256.2 K ≤ Teu ≤ 263.5 K, the pressure range of 0.91 MPa ≤ peu ≤ 2.70 MPa, and the concentration range, expressed as the mass fraction of sodium chloride, of 0.235 ≤ wm,eu ≤ 0.242. These eutectic conditions correspond to the four-phase equilibrium of a saturated sodium chloride aqueous solution, carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate, carbon dioxide gas, and sodium chloride dihydrate, as well as the five-phase equilibrium of a saturated sodium chloride aqueous solution, carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate, carbon dioxide gas, liquid carbon dioxide, and sodium chloride dihydrate. Based on the measured eutectic conditions, implications for implementing clathrate hydrate-based seawater desalination and salt production were presented, including a conceptual design for a methodology involving reverse osmosis, multi-stage clathrate hydrate-based seawater desalination, and clathrate hydrate-based seawater desalination and salt production.

  • Thermophysical Properties of Clathrate Hydrates with Various Guests for Novel Technologies: A Review

    Keita Yasuda, Ryo Ohmura

    International Journal of Thermophysics ( Springer Nature )  45   139   2024年10月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    Thermophysical properties relevant to clathrate hydrate-based technologies were reviewed. Clathrate hydrates are solids composed of water and guests. The clathrate hydrate-based technologies considered in this study were as follows: carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration; natural gas storage and transportation; ozone storage and transportation; carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate as food; desalination and salt production; separation of tritiated water; cold thermal energy storage; and heat pumps and heat engines. The review was based on the experimentally measured data. The reviewed thermophysical properties were phase equilibrium conditions, formation/decomposition enthalpy, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, interfacial tension, and density. The phase equilibrium conditions determine the operating conditions for the clathrate hydrate-based technologies. The formation/decomposition enthalpy, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity relate to the thermal energy exchange during hydrate formation/decomposition. The interfacial tension is a key parameter when considering the multiphase flow composed of water and guests. The density influences the behavior of clathrate hydrates within the reactor. The relevance between these properties and the clathrate hydrate-based technologies was discussed. The methods correlating the phase equilibrium conditions were also compared in terms of applicability and usefulness. It was revealed that the suitability of the model, which is based on the Clausius–Clapeyron equation or statistical thermodynamic modeling, depends on the purpose of the correlation. Future perspectives of the thermophysical properties of clathrate hydrates were also discussed.

  • Carbon Dioxide Clathrate Hydrate Formation and Mass Balance Calculation: A Laboratory Experiment

    Keita Yasuda, Izuru Senaha

    Journal of Chemical Education ( ACS Publications )  101   3969 - 3974   2024年09月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    Clathrate hydrates are attractive materials for education because they form from water and familiar compounds, such as carbon dioxide, and are relevant to novel technologies. In this study, an attempt to propose a laboratory experiment was summarized, which used carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate as an educational material with carbon capture technologies as the background of the experiment. The experiment was provided from October 2020 to August 2022 in the “Laboratory Experiments in Energy and Environment Engineering” class for second- and third-year undergraduate students. A total of 90 students, divided into 14 groups and 28 subgroups, performed the experiment. The carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate was formed under low-temperature and high-pressure conditions. Based on the measured temperature and pressure conditions, the amount of formed carbon dioxide clathrate hydrate was calculated as exercise problems. In addition to the exercise problems, the students submitted a report describing the experiments and related discussions. 92% of the students passed the required score to earn the credit for the class. The average score for those who passed the class was 84%. The educational effect was discussed based on the content of the exercise problems and reports. A stirring device to enhance the clathrate hydrate formation was designed and constructed by two students enrolled in “Project Management Practice” for fourth-year undergraduate students. They obtained a 100% score because they successfully constructed the device based on a project management method. The device was used in a laboratory experiment.

  • Mist cooling lithium–ion battery thermal management system for hybrid electric vehicles

    Aoto Teranishi, Takuma Kurogi, Izuru Senaha, Shoichi Matsuda, Keita Yasuda

    Applied Energy ( Elservier )  364   123214   2024年06月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    Battery Thermal Management System (BTSM) is essential for maintaining optimal operation conditions for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs). This study aimed to propose an innovative impinging jet cooling BTMS for HEVs using mist cooling. The dilute mist completely evaporated to avoid the risk of external circuit failure or corrosion that could result from surface wetting. Impinging experiments were performed under the conditions where inflow air temperature, Ta,in, was 21.2 ◦C ≤ Ta,in ≤ 31.0 ◦C and initial humidity, φ, was 50.9 %RH ≤ φ ≤ 96.0 %RH. It was found that the target plate was cooled down by up to 0.8 K without surface wetting by adding 5.5 mg/s water mist to the air. Numerical analyses were performed under conditions ranging from 21.2 ◦C ≤ Ta,in ≤ 31.0 ◦C and 0.0 %RH ≤ φ ≤ 100.0 %RH. The results and discussion highlight the importance of the critical initial humidity, φcritical: the complete evaporative threshold. Deviation between the experimental and numerical results at a fixed inflow air temperature, Δφ, was 1.9 %RH ≤ Δφ ≤ 3.0 %RH. Δφ was within the range of measurement uncertainty U(φ) = 4.0 %RH. Thus, the experimental and numerical results were consistent within the experimental measurement uncertainty. As a result, φcritical tends to be high in the case of high inflow temperature. The mist cooling is a viable way of BTMS for HEVs without surface wetting due to its large cooling capacity that results in a 7.4 K cooling effect in a hot environment.

  • ガスハイドレートによる海水淡水化

    安田 啓太

    日本エネルギー学会機関誌 えねるみくす ( 日本エネルギー学会 )  103   159 - 165   2024年03月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)

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MISC(その他業績・査読無し論文等) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Phase Equilibrium Conditions in Carbon Dioxide + Cyclopentane Double Clathrate Hydrate Forming System for Development of Seawater Desalination Technology

    Hideya Suzuki, Kouki Mekaru, Takuto Miyagi, Ayaka Mishima, Isami Uehara, Keita Yasuda

    2024 6th International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research     XG6002-A   2024年12月  [査読有り]


  • Phase Equilibrium Condition Measurements for Dual-Functional Technology of Clathrate Hydrate-Based Seawater Desalination and Carbon Capture

    Toshikazu Sasaki, Kouki Mekaru, Toru Kubonaka, Shosei Morizumi, Keita Yasuda

    2024 6th International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research     XG6004-A   2024年12月  [査読有り]


  • Interfacial Tension Measurements in Carbon Dioxide and Seawater System: An Implication for Clathrate Hydrate-Based Seawater Desalination

    Shun Tsunekawa, Suzuna Yamaguchi, Kazuma Ishikawa, Ayushman Tripathi, Keita Yasuda

    2024 6th International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research     XG6003-A   2024年12月  [査読有り]


  • リチウム水溶液濃縮のための二酸化炭素クラスレートハイドレート生成系の相平衡条件測定

    長嶺 圭恭, 鈴木 秀弥, 織田 美音, 川下 宜郎, 久保田 浩, 安田 啓太

    第65回電池討論会     2024年11月  [査読有り]


  • クラスレートハイドレートを用いたリチウム水溶液濃縮技術の開発

    大石 愛仁, 恒川 隼, 川下 宜郎, 久保田 浩, 安田 啓

    第65回電池討論会     2024年11月  [査読有り]


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特許等知的財産 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 蒸発潜熱を利用した冷却装置、ミスト噴霧量制御方法及び制御プログラム

    特願 2023-186272  (2023年10月31日)

    特許 第7529315号  (2024年07月29日)

    寺西 碧人,安田 啓太,瀬名波 出,松田 昇一

  • 海水淡水化装置

    特願 2021-043439  (2021年03月17日)

    特許 第7627152号  (2025年01月28日)

    安田 啓太,津金 佳汰,大村 亮,矢島 知美,中村 至高,秋吉 亮,吉村 逸人,中村 亮,戸村 重男

  • 海水淡水化装置

    特願 2021-043440  (2021年03月17日)

    特許 第7627153号  (2025年01月28日)

    安田 啓太,宜保 あかり,大村 亮,矢島 知美,中村 至高,秋吉 亮,吉村 逸人,中村 亮,戸村 重男

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  • クラスレートハイドレートの物理化学とエンジニアリング