平良 賢周 (タイラ ケンシュウ)

Taira Kenshu




現在の所属組織 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 専任   琉球大学   医学研究科   助教  

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示


    北海道大学  歯学研究科  博士課程  修了

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 北海道大学 -  博士(歯学)  ライフサイエンス / 社会系歯学

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Oral frailty, appetite and dietary variety in late-stage older adults: A cross-sectional study (the STudy of lAte-stage oldeR adulTs in Tottori; START Tottori)

    Nakagawa, S; Miura, K; Arai, E; Taira, K; Watanabe, Y; Shirobe, M; Motokawa, K; Ohara, Y; Iwasaki, M; Hirano, H; Ono, T; Adachi, A; Watanabe, T; Yamazaki, Y

    GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL ( Geriatrics and Gerontology International )  24 ( 6 ) 626 - 633   2024年06月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    AIM: Efforts to combat frailty and preserve good health in older adults have highlighted oral frailty as an early indicator of overall frailty. Individuals showing oral frailty are at an elevated risk of insufficient nutritional intake compared with those without oral frailty; however, underlying mechanisms remain poorly explored. In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to examine the link between oral frailty and undernutrition, especially regarding poor appetite and low dietary diversity. METHODS: The analysis included 2727 late-stage older adults (mean age 79.9 ± 4.3 years) who underwent dental checkups in a prefecture in Japan from 2016 to 2020. The examination involved a questionnaire survey (covering basic information, frailty screening index, appetite index: Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire; and dietary variety: Dietary Variety Score) and a measurement survey (including intraoral confirmation, oral diadochokinesis and masticatory efficiency test). Individuals with three or more indications of poor oral function, identified through oral function assessment, were defined as showing oral frailty. Binomial logistic regression and path analyses examined associations among oral frailty, Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire and Dietary Variety Score. RESULTS: Among those analyzed, 1208 (44.3%) participants were categorized into the oral frailty group. Binomial logistic regression analysis showed that Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire (odds ratio for oral frailty per 1-point increase 0.88, 95% confidence interval 0.84-0.93) and Dietary Variety Score (odds ratio 0.95, 95% confidence interval 0.92-0.98) were significantly associated with oral frailty. The path analysis showed individual associations between each examined factor. CONCLUSIONS: Oral frailty was associated with decreased appetite and dietary variety in late-stage older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; ••: ••-••.

  • COVID-19の影響で発症したと思われる舌痛再燃症例に対し,エスシタロプラムと行動療法が奏功した1例

    稲本 香織, 平良 賢周, 新井 絵理, 尾崎 公哉, 渡邊 裕, 山崎 裕

    日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 ( (一社)日本歯科心身医学会 )  38 ( 1-2 ) 39 - 42   2023年12月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)

  • 当初は舌痛症が疑われたが,長期経過の後にガンマナイフが奏功した高齢女性の典型的三叉神経痛の1例

    松田 捺美, 平良 賢周, 新井 絵理, 尾崎 公哉, 山野 茂, 渡邊 裕, 山崎 裕

    北海道歯学雑誌 ( 北海道歯学会 )  44   107 - 112   2023年09月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)


    我々は当初,舌痛症が疑われたが再燃を繰り返すうちに神経痛様の症状を呈するようになり,三叉神経痛と診断され,最終的にはガンマナイフが施行された症例を経験したので報告する.患者は76歳女性で,初診時,舌の痛みは安静時の痛みで,左舌縁を触診するとかえって痛みは軽快した.舌痛に対してラフチジンが著効したが,再燃を繰り返した.7年後,会話の始めに,左下顎全体に走行する発作性の鈍痛が出現するようになった.前三叉神経痛(Pretrigeminal neuralgia)の可能性を考慮し,カルバマゼピンを100mg/日から投与開始した.これにより一時は痛みが完全に消退したが,数ヵ月後には再燃したため,三叉神経痛を疑い脳神経外科に対診した.同科のMR画像で左三叉神経起始部を動脈が圧迫する所見が認められ,臨床症状,カルバマゼピンの効果から,典型的三叉神経痛と診断された.痛みはカルバマゼピンで一時的には良好にコントロールされたが,4年後には400mg/日の投与でもコントロール困難になった.87歳と高齢であったため,手術の適応はなくガンマナイフが施行された.その後約2年経過した現在,合併症はなくカルバマゼピン200mgの服用下で痛みは良好にコントロールされている.(著者抄録)

  • 腎虚を呈するうつ病患者の舌痛症に牛車腎気丸が奏効した1例

    平良 賢周, 新井 絵理, 三浦 和仁, 山崎 裕

    日本東洋医学雑誌 ( (一社)日本東洋医学会 )  74 ( 3 ) 228 - 232   2023年07月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)



  • Association between Death or Hospitalization and Observable Variables of Eating and Swallowing Function among Elderly Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study

    Takeda M, Watanabe Y, Taira K, Miura K, Ohara Y, Iwasaki M, Ito K, Nakajima J, Iwasa Y, Itoda M, et al

    Healthcare ( Healthcare (Switzerland) )  11 ( 13 )   2023年06月 [ 査読有り ]

    掲載種別: 研究論文(学術雑誌)


    This 1-year multicenter prospective cohort study aimed to determine the association between observable eating and swallowing function factors and outcomes (death/hospitalization or survival) among elderly persons in long-term care insurance facilities in Japan. Baseline assessments of factors, such as language, drooling, halitosis, hypersalivation, tongue movement, perioral muscle function, coughing, respiration after swallowing, rinsing, and oral residue, among others, were conducted. A score of 0 was considered positive, and a score of 1 or 2 was considered negative. Patient age, sex, body mass index, Barthel index, and Clinical Dementia Rating were recorded. The death/hospitalization or survival rates over 1 year were recorded, and patients were allocated into groups depending on the respective outcome (death/hospitalization group or survival group) and baseline characteristics. A total of 986 residents from 32 facilities were included, with 216 in the death/hospitalization group and 770 in the survival group. Language, salivation, halitosis, perioral muscle, coughing, respiration after swallowing, rinsing, and oral residue were significantly associated with the outcomes (p < 0.05). Therefore, routine performance of these simple assessments by caregivers may allow early detection and treatment to prevent death, pneumonia, aspiration, and malnutrition in elderly persons.

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科研費獲得情報 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 地域在住高齢者における口腔機能と食事の満足感の関連についての研究


    課題番号: 24K20116

    研究期間: 2024年04月  -  2027年03月 

    代表者: 平良 賢周 

    直接経費: 3,700,000(円)  間接経費: 4,810,000(円)  金額合計: 1,110,000(円)