Shimizu Hajime




Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi)


Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display

  • Concurrently   University of the Ryukyus   Graduate School of Engineering and Science   Interdisciplinary Intelligent Systems Engineering   Professor  

  • Duty   University of the Ryukyus   Faculty of Engineering   School of Engineering_Architecture and Building Engineering Program   Professor  

  • Concurrently   University of the Ryukyus   Graduate School of Engineering and Science   Architecture & Building Engineering   Professor  

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • 1984.04

    Kyoto University  Graduate School, Division of Engineering  Master's Course  Completed

Academic degree 【 display / non-display

  • Kyoto University -  Doctor of Engineering

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 1992.04

    University of the Ryukyus, Division of General Education, Senir Assistant  

  • 1995.01

    University of the Ryukyus, Division of General Education, Associate Professor  

  • 1997.04

    University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Environmental Planning and Design, Associate Professor  

  • 2012.08

    University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Environmental Planning and Design, Associate Professor  

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • 都市計画学,住居学,地域計画,生活空間計画論

Published Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Physical features and analysis of traditional mosques: The case of Quzzat quarter of Herat Old City, Afghanistan

    ASIM Ghulam Mohammad, SHIMIZU Hajime

    Built Heritage ( Springer )  7   2023.07 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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    This study examines the physical features of traditional mosques in the Quzzat (Bardrani) quarter of Herat Old City, Afghanistan. Traditional mosques are constructed with locally available materials and are planned based on cultural and climatic conditions. Mosques are categorised as modern or traditional. Traditional mosques are divided into three subcategories: preserved, damaged (defaced), and transformed. Transformed mosques are formerly traditional mosques reconstructed with modern or industrial materials (concrete and reinforcement). This study explores the distribution of mosques and analyses their plan typology. Mosques are categorised into five plan types, and three relative case studies are described in detail to provide a better understanding and an in-depth analysis of mosque typology.

  • Analyses and architectural typology of preserved traditional mosques in the old city of Herat in Afghanistan: the case of Quzzat Quarter

    Ghulam Mohammad Asimm, Shimizu Hajime

    Built Heritage ( SPRINGER )  6   2022.10 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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    The study aims to analyse the architectural typology and determine the period of construction for the preserved traditional mosques of the Quzzat Quarter in the Old City of Herat (known as the Pearl of Khorasan). Twenty-nine mosques are located in the area, three of which are modern and 26 are traditional. Twelve out of the 26 traditional mosques still exist and have preserved their traditional landscape. Using analogy to analyse water cisterns and mosques, we determine when each mosque was developed and establish the period of development for each structure. Further analyses are carried out on the edifices’ architectural details. Architectural analyses and mosque typologies suggest that five buildings were built before the Timurid dynasty; two were built during the Timurid dynasty (1370−1507 CE); and one was built after the Timurid dynasty. Two mosques incorporating elements from different periods are counted as exceptions, and the remaining two are considered to have been built during transitional periods.

  • Transformation Analysis of Traditional Mosques: The Case of Quzzat Quarter of Herat Old City, Afghanistan

    Ghulam Mohammad Asim, Hajime Shimizu

    Heritage ( MDPI )  5 ( 3 ) 1819 - 1835   2022.05 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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    This study examines the traditional mosques in the Quzzat quarter of Herat Old City, Afghanistan, after WWII. The study discovered urban developments, typology of mosques, as well as destructions, changes, and transformations of the traditional mosques. It involved compiling data, conducting a field survey, examining historical maps, reviewing published works to explain constructions, and finding out how transformations took place. Twenty-nine mosques are constructed in the study area. Twenty-five of them were originally constructed before WWII with traditional local material, and four were constructed after WWII; of these four, three are modern (concrete) and one is made of traditional material. Twelve out of the twenty-five traditional mosques still exist in traditional form, while twelve have been transformed, and one has been damaged. Modern mosques are found to the northwest of the quarter, where the city wall was razed, flattened, and transformed into residential area. Transformations started after WWII and have occurred mainly in the southern parts of the quarter. The majority of the mosques in the northern areas are preserved, while in the southern regions they are transformed, and modern constructions were carried out in the newly urbanized areas.


    SHIMIZU Hajime

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) ( Architectural Institute of Japan )  ( 790 ) 2587 - 2597   2021.12 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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    <p> This paper presents an idea to explain the relationship between children's behavior and characteristics of places in after childcare facilities though observation researches. </p><p> Surveyed 2 facilities, W and M have outside open spaces and are considered to have various places inside and outside for diversity of acts. Observation survey to record all children's act of each scene was done. 1354 acts for 65 scenes in 12 days were recorded in facility W and 1148 acts for 56 scenes in 9 days were recorded in facility M. </p><p> Typology for investigation of children's act was proposed. Acts are categorized as "solo act", "play with form" or "spontaneous act" from a point of view of forms to be involved with others. And acts are categorized as "active", "sitting" or "with surroundings" from a point of view of way to use places. </p><p> Rates of acts were similar in W and M, about 15% for "solo act", about 43% for "play with form" and 43% for "spontaneous act" </p><p> Most of "play with a form, active" were found in open spaces in W and M. Most of "play with a form, sitting" were found in areas with desks in rooms </p><p> "Spontaneous play, sitting" and "contacting act, sitting" were found in the "area under trees" in W. "Spontaneous play, active" and "contacting act, active" were found in the "area under and around eaves" in M. "Spontaneous play with surroundings" are plays using situations given by features of places. They were mainly found in the "area under trees" in W and the "area under and around eaves" in M as plays with conditions of ground, animal, insects, plants or materials. </p><p> Many "solo acts" were found in rooms or corners for reading and rest of them were found in various places in or around group acts. </p><p> Moving acts are understood as "space using". Sitting acts are understood as "base using". These two and "surroundings using" are basic types of place using. </p><p> "Space using" is to act in a place with a void and a plain where moving acts are allowed. </p><p> "Base using" is to act in a place where it is allowed to remain at ease such as a place with furniture, wall surrounded place or a higher place. </p><p> "Surroundings using" is to act with specific feature of a place such as natural environment, natural material or unique equipment. </p><p> Open spaces for "space using" and indoor spaces for "base using" are secured in W and M. Places in particular state for "spontaneous act" were found in addition. These situations are considered to show a possibility that "spontaneous act" are done in condition where "space using", "base using" and "surroundings using" are related each other. Following study in detail is necessary about "spontaneous act". Difference of rates of acts of individuals were found according to individuals, activity analysis. Some children spend most of time with "play with a form" or with "spontaneous act" and a few children tend to spend more time with "solo act" than others. </p><p> In conclusion acquirement of places for "space using", "base using" and "surroundings using" were found to be important as a living facility for children with various ways of behaviors. </p>

  • Reformation of idea of "building envelope" and proposition of Okinawa model for housing in hot and humid regions

    Matsuda Mariko, Ishimine Toshiko, Shimizu Hajime, Nakamoto Kiyoshi, Taira Hiromu, Kinjo Masaru

    JOURNAL OF THE HOUSING RESEARCH FOUNDATION "JUSOKEN" ( Housing Research Foundation "JUSOKEN" )  46 ( 0 ) 273 - 282   2020.03 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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    Proposition of principles of housing in hot and humid climate and requirement for revision of buildingenergy policy Liaison committee for proper housing in climate of Okinawa has been discussing and proposing the ways of housing in hot and humid climate and requiring improvement of measures and policies of building energy efficiency. The committee claimed that architects in Okinawa have ways to control hot humid climate with multiple elements surrounding a house and they are fundamentally different ideas from "building envelope standard" by building energy efficiency act. The committee presented principles of housing in Okinawa's climate and expressed concerns to Okinawa prefecture and Ministry. In 2019 the Ministry revised the measures and announced a plan to readjust the standards.

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