Title |
Associate Professor |
Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi) |
80284959 |
Nakazono Kunihiko
Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display 】
Duty University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Engineering School of Engineering_Mechanical Engineering Program Associate Professor
Concurrently University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Engineering and Science Intellingent Machine Systems Associate Professor
Academic degree 【 display / non-display 】
Keio University - Doctor(Engineering)
University of the Ryukyus - Master(Engineering)
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Mechanics and System Control, Research Associate
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Control and system engineering
Research Theme 【 display / non-display 】
Control of Robot Manipulator Using GA and Neural Network
Research of Dynamical Neurl Network
Published Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Research on rotary crane control using a neural network optimized by an improved bat algorithm
Hiroyuki Fuji, Kunihiko Nakazono, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
Artificial Life and Robotics 2025.02 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
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Ocean Currents Estimation Using Genetic Algorithm the Fuzzy Controlled AUV Equipped with Relearning Method
Takumi Tashima, Kunihiko Nakazono, Eiho Uezato, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
AROB-ISBC 2025 615 - 620 2025.01 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Tracking control of a AUV using two neural network controllers with initial and tidal current learning
Kano Kubo, Kunihiko Nakazono, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
AROB-ISBC 2025 621 - 624 2025.01 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Rotary crane control using neural network optimized by improved adaptive Cuckoo Search
Ryoma Araki, Kunihiko Nakazono, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
AROB-ISBC 2025 782 - 787 2025.01 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Crane control using a neural network optimized by an improved bat algorithm
Hiroyuki Fujii, Kunihiko Nakazono, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2024 649 - 652 2024.01 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Performance of neural network optimized by Harmony Search for rotary crane
Ryoma Araki, Kunihiko Nakazono, Ryoto Tawata
2023.03 - 2023.03