Matsuda Shoichi



Associate Professor

Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi)


Date of Birth


Laboratory Address

1 Senbaru,Nishihara,Okinawa

Mail Address

E-mail address

Laboratory Phone number


Laboratory Fax number


Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display

  • Concurrently   University of the Ryukyus   Graduate School of Engineering and Science   Associate Professor  

  • Duty   University of the Ryukyus   Faculty of Engineering   School of Engineering_Energy and Environment Program   Associate Professor  

Academic degree 【 display / non-display

  • University of the Ryukyus -  Doctor of Engineering

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2001.09

    Kanehide Holdings Co., LTD. Fellow Researcher  

  • 2003.03

    Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University, Japan Fellow Researcher  

  • 2004.04

    Okinawa National College of Technology Research Associate  

  • 2009.03

    University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Research Associate  

  • 2014.04

    University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Associate professor  

Affiliated academic organizations 【 display / non-display

  • 1997.04

    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 

  • 2003.04

    Heat Transfer Society of Japan 

  • 2004.04

    Japanese Society for Engineering Education 

  • 2005.04

    Japan Welding Society HomePage 

  • 2019.07

    The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan 

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Welding engineering

  • Magnetic control welding

  • Plasma engineering

  • Thermal engineering

  • Fluid engineering

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Material processing and microstructure control

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Thermal engineering

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Fluid engineering

  • Welding engineering , Magnetic control welding, Plasma engineering

Research Theme 【 display / non-display

  • Study on Impingement Heat Transfer

  • Study on heat resistance properties of ablation materials

Thesis 【 display / non-display

  • 衝突噴流の時・空間温度および流動場の可視化による熱伝達特性に関する実験的研究


Published Papers 【 display / non-display

  • A radiating straight fin with constant thermal properties by modified perturbation method

    Kato, S; Matsuda, S

    MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL ( 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 )  10 ( 6 ) 23-00111 - 23-00111   2023.10

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    <p>A modified perturbation method (Kato and Matsuda, 2021) is used to obtain the solution of the heat transfer problem of a radiating straight fin with constant thermal properties. The main procedure of the modified perturbation method (MPM) is: (1) A perturbation parameter <i>ε</i> is assumed to be included in the nonlinear term of the differential equation. The solution <i>θ</i> is expressed by <i>θ</i> = <i>φ</i> + <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub>, where <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub> is an initial approximation of the solution. (In this paper, <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub> is assumed to be a constant) (2) <i>θ</i> = <i>φ</i> + <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub> is substituted into the differential equation and the nonlinear term is split into linear and nonlinear terms. (3) <i>ε</i> which is not in the nonlinear term is replaced by a newly introduced parameter <i>ε</i>´. (4) An asymptotic expansion of <i>φ</i> in powers of <i>ε</i> is assumed for the solution of the differential equation, from which we obtain the perturbation solution of <i>φ</i> including <i>ε</i> and <i>ε</i>´. (5) <i>ε</i>´ in the perturbation solution of <i>φ</i> is replaced by <i>ε</i>. Then we obtain the perturbation solution of <i>θ</i>. The obtained solutions by MPM are found to be in good agreement with the numerical results by the finite difference method. The solutions are also compared with those by the conventional perturbation method (CPM). It is found that MPM can extend the applicable range of the small parameter <i>ε</i> (radiation-conduction parameter) drastically compared with that by CPM. The modifications of the perturbation method by splitting the nonlinear term help reduce the contribution of the nonlinear term, which drastically improve the convergence characteristics of the solution.</p>

  • Analytical solution for the problem of one-dimensional quasi-steady non-charring ablation in a semi-infinite solid with temperature-dependent thermo-physical properties

    Kato S., Matsuda, S.

    Thermal Science and Engineering Progress ( Thermal Science and Engineering Progress )  31   101181 - 101181   2022.06 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    Exact quasi-steady solution of temperature distribution for one-dimensional non-charring ablation in a semi-infinite material with temperature-dependent thermo-physical properties is obtained analytically, in which the surface temperature and the surface recession velocity are assumed to be constant. The analytical solutions for the cases in which thermo-physical properties are expressed by low degree polynomial functions of temperature are also obtained. Two kinds of non-charring ablation models are considered. One is a single phase model composed of a single phase (the crystalline phase), in which the surface recedes due to ablation. The other is a two-phase model composed of two phases (the crystalline and the amorphous phases) such as Teflon, in which the surface of the amorphous region recedes. The calculated results of the analytical solution agreed well with those of the numerical solution by the finite difference method. The basic behavior of Teflon ablation is calculated by using the analytical solution. The simple and exact analytical solution obtained in this paper is easy to calculate and is helpful in understanding the ablation behavior easily. It allows for rapid estimation of the ablation behavior for engineering purposes. The solution also provides a means to verify computer solutions obtained by numerical methods.

  • A modified perturbation method in which the applicable range of a small parameter for the solution is extended much larger than that by the conventional perturbation method

    KATO Sumio, MATSUDA Shoichi

    Mechanical Engineering Journal ( 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 )  8 ( 6 ) 21-00153 - 21-00153   2021.08 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    <p>A modified perturbation method, in which the applicable range of a small parameter <i>ε</i> for the solution is extended larger than that by the conventional perturbation method, is applied to two simple heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent thermal properties. The main procedure of the modified perturbation method is: (1) A perturbation parameter <i>ε</i> is assumed to be included in the nonlinear term of the differential equation. The solution <i>θ</i> is expressed by <i>θ</i> = <i>φ</i> + <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub>, where <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub> is an initial approximation of the solution and <i>φ</i> is <i>θ</i> − <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub>. (In the example problems of this paper, we assume that <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub> is a constant.) (2) <i>θ</i> = <i>φ</i> + <i>θ</i><sub>f</sub> is substituted into the differential equation and the nonlinear term is split into linear and nonlinear terms. (3) <i>ε</i> which is not in the nonlinear term is replaced by a newly introduced variable <i>ε</i>’. (4) An asymptotic expansion of <i>φ</i> in powers of <i>ε</i> is assumed for the solution of the differential equation, from which we obtain the perturbation solution of <i>φ</i> including <i>ε</i>’ and <i>ε</i>’. (5) <i>ε</i> in the perturbation solution of <i>φ</i> is replaced by <i>ε</i>. Then we obtain the perturbation solution of <i>θ</i>. By solving the two example problems, it is made clear that the solution by the modified perturbation method is more accurate than that by the conventional perturbation method. It is also made clear that the modified perturbation method extends drastically the applicable range of the perturbation parameter in comparison with the conventional perturbation method. The modifications of the perturbation method help reduce the contribution of the nonlinear term, which drastically improves the convergence characteristics of the solution. The reason for the good convergence characteristics of the modified perturbation solution is discussed.</p>

  • Study on penetration control of the arc welding using external magnetic field– Influence of external magnetic field on arc shape and heat input– 

    Shoichi MATSUDA Manabu TANAKA and Yasushi TANAHARA

    Proceedings of the Visual-JW 2019 and WSE 2019 ( Joining and Welding Research Institute Osaka University )    2019.11 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)

  • Study on penetration control of the arc welding using external magnetic field– Influence of external magnetic field on arc shape and heat input–

    Shoichi MATSUDA, Manabu TANAKA, Yasushi TANAHARA

    Proceedings of the Visual-JW 2019 and WSE 2019     2019.11 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (international conference proceedings)

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Influence of high frequency alternative magnetic field on arc shape and bead shape of GMA welding

    Shoichi Matsuda, Yasushi Tanahara, Manabu Tanaka, kazuto Ninomiya

    2022.09  -  2022.09 

  • Control of molten metal flow for helium gas tungsten arc welding by an external magnetic field

    S. Matsuda, Y. Tanahara, M. Tanaka

    2021.11  -  2021.11 

  • Control of molten metal flow for helium gas tungsten arc welding by an external magnetic field

    S. Matsuda, Y. Tanahara, M. Tanaka

    2021.11  -  2021.11 

  • Study on high quality and high efficiency GMA welding using external magnetic field Influence of alternative magnetic field on arc shape and bead shape

    MATSUDA Shoichi, TANAHARA Yasushi and TANAKA Manabu

    Japan Welding Society, Autumn Meeting  (on line)  2021.09  -  2021.09 

  • Study on high quality and high efficiency GMA welding using external magnetic field Influence of alternative magnetic field on arc shape and bead shape

    MATSUDA Shoichi, TANAHARA Yasushi, TANAKA Manabu

    2021.09  -  2021.09 

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2019.04  -  2022.03 

    Direct: 3,300,000 (YEN)  Overheads: 990,000 (YEN)  Total: 4,290,000 (YEN)

  • Study on high quality and high efficiency GMA welding utilizing external magnetic field

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2019.04  -  2022.03 

    Direct: 3,300,000 (YEN)  Overheads: 4,290,000 (YEN)  Total: 990,000 (YEN)

  • Study on high quality and high efficiency GMA welding utilizing external magnetic field

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2019.04  -  2022.03 

    Direct: 3,300,000 (YEN)  Overheads: 4,290,000 (YEN)  Total: 990,000 (YEN)

  • Study on penetration control of the arc welding using external magnetic field

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

    Project Year: 2016.04  -  2019.03 

    Investigator(s): MATSUDA Shoichi 

    Direct: 3,700,000 (YEN)  Overheads: 4,810,000 (YEN)  Total: 1,110,000 (YEN)

     View Summary

    TIG welding is one of the welding methods widely used in industries for high reliability of joints, little occurrence of spattering and high convenience of construction. However, compared with other arc welding methods, there is a disadvantage that depth of penetration is sallow. To solve this problem, we proposed a new ECMP (Electromagnetic Controlled Molten Pool Welding Process) method which controls the molten metal flow by using electromagnetic forces generated in the molten pool by applying a magnetic field. In this study, we investigated in detail the influence of the electromagnetic forces generated by the external magnetic field on the arc, the flow of the molten pool and surface temperature of molten pool. From these results, the influence of the external magnetic field on the arc shape and the heat input to the base material was clarified. It was also found that the downward and upward electromagnetic forces in the molten pool contribute to penetration increase.

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SDGs 【 display / non-display

  • 海洋温度差および深層水利用の研究