Title |
Professor |
Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi) |
00292722 |
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Abe Kosuzu
Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display 】
Duty University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Law, Politics & International Relations Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Law and Letters, Department of Comprehensive Social Systems Studies, Associate Professor
Affiliated academic organizations 【 display / non-display 】
Association for Cultural Typhoon
The Peace Studies Association of Japan
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Caribbean Studies
american studies
social action
area studies
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Others / Others
Humanities & Social Sciences / Area studies
Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology
Humanities & Social Sciences / Gender studies
Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Europe and America
Research Theme 【 display / non-display 】
Study on status problems in Puerto Rico
Published Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Hurricane, Colonialism, Resistance: In Quest of the Political Status of Puerto Rico
Abe Kosuzu
政策科学・国際関係論集 = Review of policy science and international relations ( 琉球大学人文社会学部 ) ( 19 ) 89 - 133 2019.03
Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
阿部 小涼
政策科学・国際関係論集 ( 琉球大学法文学部 ) ( 18 ) 43 - 94 2018.03
Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
阿部 小涼
政策科学・国際関係論集 ( 琉球大学法文学部 ) ( 17 ) 39 - 89 2016.03
Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Repetition and change: direct action in Okinawa
Review of policy science and international relations ( 13 ) 61 - 90 2011.03
Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Re-thinking the resistance and the constellation of minorities in Okinawan politics
阿部 小涼
政策科学・国際関係論集 ( 琉球大学法文学部 ) ( 10 ) 33 - 47 2008.03
Type of publication: Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Anyanbaman vol.2
Kiyota Masanobu Kenkyukai ( Part: Single Author , Shijin Kiyota Masanobu ni tsuite katariau )
Kobunesha 2020.10
Other Papers 【 display / non-display 】
トクシュウ オキナワ [ フッキ ] ゼロネン
( 956 ) 124 - 133 2022.05
Book review: Kikuchi Natsuno, "Post-colonialism and gender"
阿部 小涼
People's plan ( ピープルズ・プラン研究所 ) ( 51 ) 166 - 168 2010.08
Art, WWII, USA: Propaganda Posters
Endo Yasuo, Abe Kosuzu
( 3 ) 149 - 153 1998.03
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Nakattakoto ni sareta koe wo kiku
Abe Kosuzu, Matsumoto Mari, Yang Nagayama Satoko
Nakattakoto ni sareta koe wo kiku 2020.09 - 2020.09
Shijin Kiyota Masanobu ni tsuite katariau
Inoue Mayumo, Shinjou Takekazu, Abe Kosuzu, Sakima Aya, Matsuda Jun, Shimohirao Tadashi, Miyagi Shintarou
Shijin Kiyota Masanobu ni tsuite katariau 2019.09 - 2019.09
How to Talk about the People’s Protest: Rights, Styles, and Histories
阿部 小涼
How to Talk about the People’s Protest: Rights, Styles, and Histories (University of Hawai’i-Manoa, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)) 2017.05 - 2017.05
沖縄平和学会2013年度大会 (琉球大学文系総合棟302) 2013.10 - 2013.10
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Project Year: 2020.04 - 2024.03
Direct: 13,500,000 (YEN) Overheads: 17,550,000 (YEN) Total: 4,050,000 (YEN)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Project Year: 2012 - 2014
Investigator(s): 田中 ひかる, 梅森 直之, 篠田 徹, 阿部 小涼, 崎山 直樹, 山口 守, 山本 明代, 大津留 厚
Direct: 10,100,000 (YEN) Overheads: 13,130,000 (YEN) Total: 3,030,000 (YEN)
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)
Project Year: 2005 - 2007
Investigator(s): 阿部 小涼
Direct: 2,700,000 (YEN) Overheads: 2,700,000 (YEN) Total: 0 (YEN)
Historical Studies on National Consciousness in America
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Project Year: 2002 - 2004
Investigator(s): Hayumi HIGUCHI, 佐藤 勘治, 阿部 小涼, Yoshiyuki KIDO, Ken CHUJO, 村田 勝幸, Kanji SATO
Direct: 9,300,000 (YEN) Overheads: 9,300,000 (YEN) Total: 0 (YEN)