Kitou Makoto




Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi)


Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display

  • Duty   University of the Ryukyus   Faculty of Agriculture   Subtropical Agro-Environmental Sciences   Professor  

  • Concurrently   University of the Ryukyus   Graduate School of Agriculture   Subtropical Agriculture   Professor  

University 【 display / non-display


    Aichi University of Education   Faculty of Education   Natural Sciences   Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display


    Nagoya University  Graduate School, Division of Agriculture  Doctor's Course (first term)  Completed


    Nagoya University  Graduate School, Division of Agriculture  Doctor's Course (second term)  Accomplished credits for doctoral program


    Nagoya University  Graduate School, Division of Agriculture  Doctor's Course (second term)  Completed

Academic degree 【 display / non-display

  • Nagoya University -  Doctor of Agriculture

Affiliated academic organizations 【 display / non-display

  • 1900.04

    Crop Science Society of Japan 

  • 1900.04

    Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Fertity,Crop Science

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life Science / Plant nutrition and soil science

Published Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Comparison of Typhoon Damage to Crotalaria juncea, C. spectabillis and Sesbania rostrata

    Makoto KITOU

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science ( Crop Science Society of Japan )  91 ( 1 ) 66 - 70   2025.01 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    This study investigated typhoon damage due to strong winds and saltwater splash in three green manure crops(Crotalaria juncea, C. spectabillis and Sesbania rostrata) in Okinawa, assessed as stem breakage, leaf wilt, and survival at harvest. Stem breakage due to strong winds was significantly higher in C. juncea and leaf wilt due to saltwater splash was significantly higher in C. juncea and C. spectabillis than in S. rostrata, which had almost no damage. Some damaged C. juncea plants regenerated, but C. spectabillis did not, and most plants withered before July 21st after passage of the typhoon 10. At harvest, the plant survival rate was 49% in C. juncea and 87% in S. rostrata. Thus, S. rostrata was the most resistant to strong winds and saltwater splash. It had a somewhat higher biomass and N content than C. juncea but a comparable P content. The amount of regrowth per remaining plant was greater in C. juncea than in S. rostrata owing to the greater loss of C. juncea plants, and the CN ratio was significantly higher in C. juncea stems, suggesting a decrease in the rate of stem decomposition.

  • Effect of Soil Types and Phosphorus Fertilization on Growth and Nutrients Uptake by the Green Manure Plants <i>Sesbania </i>cannabina and <i>S. rostrata</i>

    Kitou Makoto

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science ( CROP SCIENCE SOCIETY OF JAPAN )  91 ( 1 ) 1 - 8   2022.01 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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    <p>Sesbania cannabina and <i>S. rostrata</i> are grown as green manure crops in Okinawa, Japan. The former sets seeds early and poses a potential weed problem. The latter does not. We compared plant growth and nutrient uptake between the species. <i>S. rostrata</i> showed more vigorous growth in pots than <i>S. cannabina</i> in Kunigami Marji (red soil), Shimajiri Marji (dark red soil), and Andosol at 45 days after sowing. Both appeared to have low P tolerance, because P fertilization had little effect on their growth in Kunigami Marji. The Mg content was higher in <i>S. rostrata</i>, but other nutrient contents tended to be similar or slightly higher in <i>S. cannabina</i>. In the field, <i>S. rostrata</i> showed significantly more vigorous growth than <i>S. cannabina</i> at 87 days. The pods accounted for about 1/3 of the aboveground weight in <i>S. cannabina</i>. The total aboveground weight (including pods) was also large in <i>S. rostrata</i>. The P contents in the aboveground parts (including pods) were similar, but the N, K, Ca, and Mg contents were larger in <i>S. rostrata</i>. These results suggest that <i>S. rostrata</i> would be as effective as <i>S. cannabina</i> as a green manure crop.</p>

  • Effects of Various Types of Phosphorus Fertilizer on Growth, Yield, and Phosphorus Absorption Characteristics in Buckwheat

    Kitou Makoto, Yamashiro Miyo, Michiyama Hiroyasu

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science ( CROP SCIENCE SOCIETY OF JAPAN )  89 ( 2 ) 87 - 97   2020.04 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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    <p>This study was conducted to clarify the characteristics of phosphorus absorption in buckwheat (<i>Fagopyrum esculentum </i>Moench) and to elucidate the reasons for low seed yield in Kunigami-maaji soil cultivation. Buckwheat growth and seed yield were drastically suppressed in the treatment with no phosphorus fertilizer. At harvest time, root dry weight in the low-phosphorus condition was larger than that in the high-phosphorus condition, as root growth was promoted or prolonged after the flowering stage, which seemed to lead to greater nutrient absorption in the low-phosphorus treatment. In addition, both the concentrations and uptakes of phosphorus in the leaves and stem decreased after the flowering stage, while the phosphorus concentration in seeds remained around 2.5 g/kg in the low-phosphorus condition. Thus, it appears that the phosphorus in leaves and stem is remobilized to the seeds after the flowering stage to keep the seed phosphorus concentration at that level. These two phosphorus-absorption characteristics of buckwheat seem to underlie the crop's tolerance of low phosphorus. Furthermore, our experiments also revealed that the decrease of growth and yield was severe when buckwheat was cultivated with Fe-bound phosphorus, whereas the decline was small with Al-bound phosphorus.</p>

  • Effects of Various Types of Phosphorus Fertilizer on Growth, Yield, and Phosphorus Absorption Characteristics in Buckwheat

    Makoto Kitou, Miyo Yamashiro, Hiroyasu Michiyama

    Japanese Journal of Crop Science   89 ( 2 ) 87 - 97   2020.02 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

  • 赤玉土と赤色土(国頭マージ)を用いたラッカセイ,ダイズ,セスバニアの低リン耐性の比較ならびに菌根菌接種の影響

    鬼頭 誠

    日本作物学会紀事 ( 日本作物学会 )  88 ( 2 ) 108 - 116   2019

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Effects of additional N fertilizer and slow release N fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Buckwheat

    Kitou Makoto

    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2022.09  -  2022.09 

    CiNii Research

  • Possibility of reduced fertilizer cultivation by groundnut and buckwheat planting system at Shimajiri Marge in Okinawa

    Kawabata Mei, Kitou Makoto

    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2022.09  -  2022.09 

    CiNii Research

  • Effect of phosphorus fertilizer application on the growth and yield of buckwheat in Andosols with different phosphorus fertility

    Makoto Kitou, Hinako Iwashita, Takahiro Hara

    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2022.03  -  2022.03 

    CiNii Research

  • Effect of phosphorus fertilization on groundnut growth and yield at Kunigami Marge

    Kitou Makoto, Kawabata Mei

    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2021.09  -  2021.09 

    CiNii Research

  • Growth, yield and phosphorus uptake of buckwheat cultivated in acrisols (kunigami maaji) with different phosphorus fertility

    Kitou Makoto

    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2020.09  -  2020.09 

    CiNii Research

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