ETO Makiko



Associate Professor

Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi)


Laboratory Address

1 Senbaru,Nishihara,Okinawa 903-0213

3 12

Current Affiliation Organization 【 display / non-display

  • Duty   University of the Ryukyus   Faculty of Education   Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Training Program   Associate Professor  

  • Concurrently   University of the Ryukyus   Graduate School of Education   Professional Teacher Education   Associate Professor  

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • 2017.04

    Kobe University  Graduate School of Human Development and Environment  Doctor's Course (second term)  Completed

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2011.04

    University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Education, Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Training Program, Associate Professor  

  • 2014.10


Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • 体育科教育,教師教育

Thesis 【 display / non-display

  • 小学校体育に関する大学生の授業力量


Published Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Necessary Abilities of Undergraduates for Using ICT and for Seeking Distance Learning Teaching Materials

    YOSHIDA Akira, OKAMOTO Makiko, ETO Makiko

    JSSE Research Report ( Japan Society for Science Education )  35 ( 1 ) 33 - 38   2020.11

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

  • Trends and Issues in Studies on Physical Education Teacher Education::Based on the Classification of Tinning's Research in Theoretical Orientations

    Eto Makikio, Kakazu Kengo

    Japan Journal for the Pedagogy of Physical Education ( Japan Society for the Pedagogy of Physical Education )  35 ( 2 ) 1 - 16   2019 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was to classify studies on physical education teacher education using theoretical orientations (Tinning, 2006), the framework of which is a basic conceptual structure, and to analyze research questions and methods. We classified domestic and international studies on physical education teacher education into behavioristic orientation, personal orientation, traditional/craft orientation, and critical inquiry orientation and analyzed the purpose and research methods of representative studies that characterized each orientation. The results revealed the research questions researchers have about teachers' competency development and the research methods applied in each theoretical orientation. Moreover, it became clear that personal orientation was most common in overseas literature. The traditional/craft orientation was most common in domestic literature. We realized that with regard to research methods, qualitative research is most common in foreign literature, while in Japanese literature, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research are all nearly equally present. In Japan, the reason many qualitative studies are being conducted as a traditional/ craft orientation is believed to be that instructors use them to implement what they learn in workshops and programs in order to investigate their development and formation of competence. It is inferred that modeling can be achieved by showing the outcome of the program and training. <br> Within Japan, in the future, more incisive perspectives are desired (Fukami, 2015; Kihara, 2015; Kitazawa/Suzuki, 2013). By incisive perspectives, we mean those that examine—from the perspective of development and growth—the beliefs and perceptions of teachers related to their practice of teaching, as well as the processes by which they developed their teaching capabilities. This sort of research would indicate individualistic trends. In other words, in Japan, research examining individualistic trends is greatly desired.

  • A Study on the Changes in viewpoint of instruction of Physical Education Class in the Elementary School

    ETO Makiko

    The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development ( Japan Curriculum Research and Development Association )  42 ( 3 ) 83 - 94   2019 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was to examine the views on physical education instruction that students, aspiring to be elementary school teachers, who attended “physical education research," a course in the teaching methods of each subject, had and to understand how their views on physical education instruction changed. The results revealed the following three points. 1) Views on physical education instruction that students aspiring to be elementary school teachers had before and after attending the lectures were classified into “practice during the class," “what they would like the children to learn," and “children's learning." 2) Changes were observed in the number of described categories regarding the preservice teachers' views on physical education instruction before and after attending the lectures. Specifically, the number of descriptions about the views on instruction regarding “safety management" decreased. On the other hand, the number of descriptions about the views on instruction regarding “practice during the class" increased. 3) It was suggested that what was learned during the lectures and the students' experiences as teachers and learners in mock lessons affected the changes in their views on physical education instruction.

  • A Discussion about Students' Learning in Junior High School Creative Dance Classes

    ETO Makiko

    Research Journal of JAPEW ( Japan Association of Physical Education for Women )  33 ( 0 ) 43 - 53   2017 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    <p>To ascertain how students perceive junior high school dance classes, we analyzed statements made by students following such a class. The results are the following. <br/>Regarding Aim 1, the results demonstrated that by engaging in easy learning tasks based on familiar themes, the students were able to abandon their shyness and dance joyfully. In the improvisational expression class, students mastered specific ways to express concepts by exchanging ideas about images and stories with classmates. Regarding Aim 2, the results demonstrated that the students mastered a collaborative approach in which they expressed their opinions to and cooperated with other group members to produce an artwork. With respect to dance recitals, the results demonstrated that the students deepened their understanding of self-expression and creative dance.</p>

  • A Study of Teacher's "Speech" in Elementary School Physical Education Classes:─Taking Expressive Activity and Games Classes as Case Studies─

    ETO Makiko

    Research Journal of JAPEW ( Japan Association of Physical Education for Women )  31 ( 0 ) 47 - 57   2015 [ Peer Review Accepted ]

    Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)

     View Summary

    This study clarifies how teachers use "speech" in physical education classes through case studies. The paper used, as case studies, Expressive Activity and Games classes of physical education targeting grade 4 elementary schools students and examined the "speech" teachers used of the classes. <br>In the analysis, the teacher's "speech" was further categorized and classified by content as well as by targeted subjects with reference to previous research related to teacher behavior in physical education classes (Takahashi, 1991; Takahashi, Utagawa, and Yoshino et al., 1996; Hasegawa, 2004). The results clarified the following. 1) The teacher conducted awareness raising and focusing on learning tasks through analytical questions and mutual interaction with children. Furthermore, in motor learning situations, the teacher often used positive feedback about skills. 2) The study indicated an impact on the achievements of children who said that they could perform or understand the teacher's instructions and feedback related to specific skills (movements).

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 教員志望学生の遠隔授業向け教材探索力の実際と養成すべきICT活用能力 ―中高理科指導法科目の受講学生の事例から―


    日本科学教育学会研究会  (オンライン)  2021  -  2021 

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

SDGs 【 display / non-display

  • 体育科教育学,教師教育

Social Activity 【 display / non-display

  • 2024.07

  • 2024.06

  • 2024.01

  • 2023.12

  • 2019.10

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