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Special Lecturer |
Researcher Number(JSPS Kakenhi) |
20468078 |
aoyama hiroaki
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Duty University of the Ryukyus Research Facility Center Special Lecturer
Acquisition of a qualification 【 display / non-display 】
Museum Attendant
Published Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Population admixtures in medaka inferred by multiple arbitrary amplicon sequencing
Shingo Fujimoto, Hajime Yaguchi, Taijun Myosho, Hiroaki Aoyama, Yukuto Sato, Ryosuke Kimura
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ( NATURE PORTFOLIO ) 12 ( 1 ) 2022.11 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
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A new perspective on the evolution of "Kawara" roof tiles in Ryukyu: A multidisciplinary non-destructive analysis of roof tile transition at Shuri Castle, Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
Hiroaki Aoyama, Kaishi Yamagiwa, Wataru Taira, Takeshi Kon
PloS one 17 ( 11 ) e0277560 2022 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
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Hiroaki Aoyama, Kaishi Yamagiwa, Shingo Fujimoto, Jin Izumi, Senri Ganeko, Shingo Kameshima
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports ( Elsevier BV ) 33 102512 - 102512 2020.10 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
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Okamoto K, Kurita T, Nagano M, Sato Y, Aoyama H, Saitoh S, Shinzato N, Toda M
Current herpetology ( 日本爬虫両棲類学会 ) 39 ( 1 ) 66 - 74 2020 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
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Kaishi Yamagiwa, Shingo Fujimoto, Hiroaki Aoyama, Jin Izumi, Shingo Kameshima
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports ( Elsevier BV ) 26 101879 - 101879 2019.08 [ Peer Review Accepted ]
Type of publication: Research paper (scientific journal)
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Books 【 display / non-display 】
Atlas of Plant Cell Structure
Aoyama H, Nakamura S ( Part: Single Author , Dynamic transition of mitochondrial morphologies during germination in living zygospore )
Other Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Functional genomics of the Lactobacillus paracasei strain LC-Ikematsu isolated from the Okinawan natural environment
Tada I, Saitoh S, Aoyama H, Shinzato N, Morita K, Yamamoto N, Ikematsu S
沖縄工業高等専門学校紀要 11 1 - 8 2017.03
Studies of Bioconjugates Focusing on Drug Delivery ; Peptide-Vehicles Consisting of Recognition and Cell Penetrating Peptide-Modules with Anticancer Drugs
Nokihara K, Hirata A, Sogon T, Taira Y, Ohyama T, Aoyama H, Fujita K, Kawabata T, Ishikawa K
Peptide science 2011 (Proceeding) 73 - 76 2012
PE-06 沖縄島嶼域に棲息している海綿に付随した微生物相の群集構造(PE 微生物群集構造,ポスター発表)
砂川 春樹, 斎藤 星耕, 青山 洋昭, 金本 昭彦, 長濱 秀樹, 松井 徹, 新里 尚也
日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 ( 日本微生物生態学会 ) ( 28 ) 152 - 152 2012
PK-16 休眠覚醒因子を持つ細菌の培養上清処理における土壌細菌群のコロニー形成頻度改善の試み(PK 相互作用・共生,ポスター発表)
長濱 秀樹, 齋藤 星耕, 青山 洋昭, 砂川 春樹, 松井 徹, 新里 尚也
日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 ( 日本微生物生態学会 ) ( 28 ) 174 - 174 2012
A Non-proteinogenic Amino Acid, Mimosine and Mimosyl Peptides for Cosmeceutical Ingredients
Nokihara K, Hirata A, Kodama Y, Sogon T, Aoyama H, Taira Y, Ohyama T, Pang J, Hung WJ
Peptide science 2010 (Proceeding) 282 2011
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
DNA metabarcoding of springtails (Collembola).
Seikoh Saitoh, Hiroaki Aoyama, Saori Fujii, Haruki Sunagawa, Hideki Nagahama, Masako Akutsu, Naoya Shinzato, Nobuhiro Kaneko, Taizo Nakamori
6th international Barcode of Life Conference. 1900.01 - 1900.01
新里尚也, 齋藤星耕, 青山洋昭, 長濱秀樹, 砂川春樹, 鎌形洋一
環境微生物系学会合同大会 2014 1900.01 - 1900.01
金城聖良, 豊里哲也, 本間淳, 立田晴記, 鶴井香織, 新里尚也, 青山洋昭, 沢田裕一
第61回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会 1900.01 - 1900.01
齋藤星耕, 青山洋昭, 藤井佐織, 砂川春樹, 長濱秀樹, 阿久津雅子, 新里尚也, 金子信博, 中森泰三
日本土壌動物学会第38回大会 1900.01 - 1900.01
Rohitha P. Kumara, 北條優, 金城幸宏, 齋藤星耕, 青山洋昭, 徳田 岳
日本動物学会第83回大会 1900.01 - 1900.01